
“If You Have A Garden And A Library, You Have Everything You Need” – Cicero

Less practical than gardening lessons, consultancy works for those who have a ‘cut and hack’ gardener already (and we all need to cut and hack!) but are looking for a little bit more.

So, if you have recently moved to a new garden, or starting to think about getting more out of your old one, I can help advise on what’s best to do. In a couple of hours, we can walk through your garden and discuss what you want to get out of it.

How I can help

 – Identify your plants and their potential
 – Discuss (at a top level) design ideas
 – Offer advice as to new planting or pruning
 – Answer any other questions you may have.

Like lessons, the cost is £80 for two hours. The real difference is, you don’t get your fingernails dirty! 

To book, call 07740 482847 or email